KanbanTO May 2021: Bootstrapping your Kanban Initiative
Tue, May 25
|Online Event
How do you get the Kanban ball rolling?

Time & Location
May 25, 2021, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EDT
Online Event
About The Event
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcOGhrDoiGdRTlU5SbN6yK7Nn0bjVTV6n
You probably have heard guidance like "start with what you do now" but, what does that mean, exactly? After all, we're introducing Kanban because we're somehow unhappy with the current situation, so how does "starting with what we do now" help? What's the problem with getting a bunch of people in a room and imagining a better way of working, and just rolling it out? You possibly also heard about STATIK: the "Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban" (Or is it "Implementing Kanban"? does that really matter?) In any case, how does one go about running STATIK workshops? How long should they be? Who should attend? what's the difference between "random" and "chaotic" demand arrival patterns? what's with all this "knowledge discovery" thing, and why not just "plain old" Value String Mapping? Bring questions like these and we'll have accredited Kanban Trainers and Coaches to facilitate a conversation about the topics you propose.